Deinze becomes first MotoSurf WorldCup spot in Belgium
Buy Diazepam Online Legally Uk UIM MotoSurf WorldCup competition heads to Belgium for the first time in its history. After a couple of season we saw Belgium lady Laureen Thellin attacking the top five finishes in the women category of the MotoSurf WorldCup challenge. It didn’t take long and her compatriots Alain Coppens, Renzo de Craene and Joeri de Buck joined the men and rookies competition making the Belgium community strongly represented within the group of world’s fastest motorized surfers.
Buy Diazepam 5Mg Onlinefollow url Deinze becomes the first MotoSurf WorldCup race venue in Belgium. The second round of the season is planned for the weekend of 11th-13th June and so the racing action will welcome Men, Women, Juniors, Rookies, Electric Challenge and Stock – newly introduced category in the MotoSurf WorldCup racing format. here The event is organized in cooperation with Fédération Belge Motonautique.