Lukáš Záhorský takes maiden WorldCup title! go Final B

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Buy Diazepam Next Day Delivery Top four Final B riders had a chance to complete the twelve motosurfers line up in Final A. Canadian Steven Garner took the victory and made his way to big final clear. Second was Sebastian Kubinec from Slovakia who didn’t ride in the heats due to a foot fracture. Last two places were formed by local speedsters Kenny and Jeffrey Chan.

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Buy Valium Cuba Qualifying and heats winner Jakub Korneil continued his domination also in the first final and scored a deserved victory. Championship leader Lukáš Záhorský made it to 2nd and set up a very promising position for taking his first ever MotoSurf WorldCup Championship title. Another frontrunner Martin Šula concluded the first final round in third and gained some points on Jan Charouz who he battles for 3rd overally. Pavel Musil did one of his best rides this year and finsihed 4th. Ivo Strouhal completed the top five. img_2520

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Buy Valium Cheapest Online see Final A – Round II. Round I winner Kornfeil experienced the Prague race scenario again. Jakub led the way until a technical issue occured. Unable to fight for the victory anymore, Kornfeil finished the heat down in 11th leading to 3rd overally. Mr. consistency is a right nickname for Lukáš Záhorský. He repeated the 2nd place from the first round and came for the overall victory. Jan Charouz rode a brilliant race and scored his first Final A victory of the season. Sixth and first places give Charouz 2nd after both finals. Sebastian Kubinec fought well for third and Martin Šula arrived fourth. Ivo Strouhal scored his second top five finish of Sunday’s programme.

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Order Valium Online Europe go site Lukáš Záhorský takes the Cup Scoring the overall victory in China makes Lukáš Záhorský MotoSurf WorldCup 2016 Champion. Reigning Champion Jakub Kornfeil is second after a season full of bad luck. Jan Charouz‘s victory in the second Chinese final relegates Martin Šula to 4th and Charouz can celebrate 3rd spot in the final standings.

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