MotoSurf Pros guided Young Talents at JETSURF USA JUNIOR CAMP Motorized surfing has become a global movement as the sport grew into communities around the world. Recognition of the world governing bodies such as UIM (Union International Motonautique), member of the IOC (International Olympic Committee), APBA (American Power Boat Assocciation) just underlined the progress the youngest discipline in the powerboating world has made. To MotoSurf, the future generation of the sport is the most important element in sharing the joy and positive vibes of this beautiful activity.

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Tramadol 180 Tabs Online In America, JETSURF USA – the importer of Jetsurf Motorized Surfboard – title sponsor of MotoSurf Games Racing League, joined forces with Jetsurf Academy Orlando at the Clermont Watersport Complex and organized the premiere JETSURF USA Junior Training Camp. The initiative prepared a program designed to give young riders aged between 10 to 15 a chance to improve their skills in a safe and fun environment to provide the best guidance in their path to theracing world.

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here All the young talents had access to the latest equipment and technology, including #JETSURF boards, andadvanced safety gear such as helmets, life jackets, leashes, speed governors and other safety equipment required by the highest UIM MotoSurf standards. The camp offered a golden opportunity to learn from the best MotoSurf riders in the world.

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Order Tramadol From China The two-days action was led by World Championship Open Class speedster Matthew Surkos (@matejsurkos70), who shared his insights and experience to help young riders achieve their goals. Antony Squire (@antony_squire) – reigning MotoSurf Games Champion, together with training master John Guliano (@johnguliano1290) shared their knowledge from successful racing experience in the World Championship.

Buying Valium Online Uk Legal The whole bunch of young hopefuls went through training of basics, advanced riding and even compared their newly acquired skills in a fun race. Whatever the final time or position was, they all had a great fun enjoying the water and meeting their motosurf friends from all over the Americas. John Anderson, Ryder Sawangen, Lukas Violette, Anna Burk, Zaniel Cole, Austin Inniss, Niko Sawangen, Chris Mills, Phupa Sitabutr, Russell Boyd, Dawson Chenault, Faith McKay, Jordan Smith, Jessica Smith, Giovanni Recesso, Ayden Recesso – YOU ALL WERE GREAT AND WE CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU TO AT UPCOMING RACES OF MOTOSURF GAMES.

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