Safety regulations update
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a) Helmets safety check procedure – update to current rule 8.1. Satey Gear at MotoSurf WorldCup and MotoSurf Continental Cup.
Current wording:
- Helmet is mandatory, its intactness and integrity shall be checked. In case the helmet does not meet intactness and integrity, such piece of equipment will not be permitted to race. The helmet has to be of an integral type with jaw protection (motocross, downhill). Only a helmet with CE, FIM homologation shall be accepted. Helmet with MIPS system shall also be accepted.
Updated wording:
Helmet description
- Helmet is mandatory, its intactness and integrity shall be checked. In case the helmet does not meet intactness and integrity, such piece of equipment will not be allowed to race. The helmet has to be of an integral type with jaw protection (motocross, downhill). Only a helmet with CE, FIM homologation shall be accepted. Helmet with MIPS system shall also be accepted.
Helmet technical check process
- Each rider has to show the helmet and prove its intactness and integrity
- Each rider has to prove the helmet is of integral type homologated with CE or FIM homologation. In case the requested homologation is missing, the Technical Commissioner is authorized to refuse such piece of equipment and the rider has to provide a compliant equipment in order to be able to participate in the race.
- Each rider has to prove the straps in the helmet are not damaged which can be tested by the Technical Commissioner by gentle pulling of the straps. In case straps are not fixed enough to the helment shell, the Technical Commissioner is authorized to refuse such piece of equipment and the rider has to provide a compliant equipment in order to be able to participate in the race.
- Each rider has to prove his/her helmet has not been modified in any way. In case it was, the rider has to remove all the modifications in order to pass the technical control.
- Each rider has to prove his/her helmet is equipped with all pads provided by the manufacturer in standard configuration. In case it is not, rider has to immediately put all the helmet parts back.
- Technical Commissioner is authorized to request each rider to put the helmet on.
- Technical Commissioner is authorized to request each rider to fasten the helmet straps and get the helmet ready in the same way as going into the race.
- Technical Commissioner is authorized to pull and shake the jaw part of the helmet to test looseness on the rider’s head. In case the helmet is not fitting tight and is loosen on the riders head, such helmet shall not be approved to the race.
- Start from the shore racing procedure – 17.2.3.
see Current wording:
The start procedure begins with the riders lining up next to the starting blocks. Riders in the Men’s. Class have to make it on their own from the parc fermé to the starting block together with their board. Women, Juniors and Rookies riders can take one helper with them for the starting procedure. The winner of the qualification or the winner after the sum of Heats 1-3 / Heats 1-4 (if it has already been finished) may choose first, followed by the riders according to their order after the qualification or after the Heat session (if it has already finished). The Guards Officer checks whether all riders are ready and then signalizes to the Main Referee that the riders are ready by raising a green flag. Before the start of a particular session, riders in the Open and Stock category conduct a warmup start and ride one lap on a designated lap. Such lap is announced on the first briefing by Race Direction. Updated wording:
The start procedure begins with the riders lining up next to the starting blocks. Riders in the Men’s. Class have to make it on their own from the parc fermé to the starting block together with their board. Women, Juniors and Rookies riders can take one helper with them for the starting procedure. The winner of the qualification or the winner after the sum of Heats 1-3 / Heats 1-4 (if it has already been finished) may choose first, followed by the riders according to their order after the qualification or after the Heat session (if it has already finished). The Guards Officer checks whether all riders are ready and then signalizes to the Main Referee that the riders are ready by raising a green flag. Before the start of a particular session, riders in the Open and Stock category conduct a warmup start and ride one lap on a designated lap. Such lap is announced on the first briefing by Race Direction. Role of the helper
The helper is a person announced by a racer in the Women, Juniors and Rookies Class that helps the rider to carry the surfboard to the launch gate and helps the rider to keep stable position during the starting procedure. The helper shall stay behind the launch gate and is not allowed to step in front of the launch gate in order to provide any assistance to his/her rider. The helper’s role is only to help the rider in a stable position. It is strictly forbidden the helper pushes the surfboard of his/her rider in front or changes direction of the starting surfboard. In case the helper does not meet the above mentioned, the rider shall be penalized with the same penalty as a jump start.
Riders in Women, Juniors, Rookies class have the right to use the helper for the starting procedure but can start also without a helper. The helper’s help can be used only for carrying the board to the launch gate. Position of the rider in the launch gate during the starting procedure
Rider stands alongside the board according to his/her riding position. When the lights are on on the traffic lights, the rider has to put his/her back foot into the foot binding of his/her surfboard and keep it there until standing up on the first buoy. In case the rider does not comply with this rule, it will be qualified as a jump start penalty. CZECH VERSION
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- Popstup kontroly helem během technické přejímky – aktualizace k pravidlu 8.1. Bezpečnostní prvny závodníka pro MotoSurf WorldCup a MotoSurf Continental Cup.
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Helma je povinná pro jakoukoliv jízdu na motorovém surfu. Helma musí být vždy v neporušeném stavu. V případě, že skořepina helmy jeví známky poškození, které by mohlo ohrozit strukturu helmy při nárazu, nebude taková helma akceptována. Helma musí být integrálního typu s ochranou čelistí (typu Motocross nebo Downhill). Helma musí mít homologaci/certifikaci CE, FIM nebo MIPS.
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Helma je povinná pro jakoukoliv jízdu na motorovém surfu. Helma musí být vždy v neporušeném stavu. V případě, že skořepina helmy jeví známky poškození, které by mohlo ohrozit strukturu helmy při nárazu, nebude taková helma akceptována. Helma musí být integrálního typu s ochranou čelistí (typu Motocross nebo Downhill). Helma musí mít homologaci/certifikaci CE, FIM nebo MIPS.
get link Proces kontroly helmy:
- Každý jezdec musí ukázat svou helmu technickému komisaři, který kontroluje její neporušení.
- Každý jezdec musí ukázat integrální helmu s homologací/certifikací CE, FIM nebo MIPS. V případě, že helma nesplňuje tyto homologace/certifikace, nebude pro závody akceptována.
- Technický komisař kontroluje také řemínky tažením vně helmy pro kontrolu neporušení a pevnosti uchycení.
- Každý jezdec musí ukázat helmu v továrním stavu, bez vyjmutých obličejových vycpávek a jakýchkoliv úprav interiéru helmy.
- Technický komisař má právo požádat jezdce, aby si nasadil helmu a helmu správně zapnul.
- Technický komisař má právo vyzkoušet polohu helmy na hlavě jezdce zatažením a potřepáním ochranné části helmy v oblasti čelistí. Start ze břehu – 17.2.3. Current wording / současné znění:
The start procedure begins with the riders lining up next to the starting blocks. Riders in the Men’s. Class have to make it on their own from the parc fermé to the starting block together with their board. Women, Juniors and Rookies riders can take one helper with them for the starting procedure. The winner of the qualification or the winner after the sum of Heats 1-3 / Heats 1-4 (if it has already been finished) may choose first, followed by the riders according to their order after the qualification or after the Heat session (if it has already finished). The Guards Officer checks whether all riders are ready and then signalizes to the Main Referee that the riders are ready by raising a green flag. Before the start of a particular session, riders in the Open and Stock category conduct a warmup start and ride one lap on a designated lap. Such lap is announced on the first briefing by Race Direction. Nové znění
The start procedure begins with the riders lining up next to the starting blocks. Riders in the Men’s. Class have to make it on their own from the parc fermé to the starting block together with their board. Women, Juniors and Rookies riders can take one helper with them for the starting procedure. The winner of the qualification or the winner after the sum of Heats 1-3 / Heats 1-4 (if it has already been finished) may choose first, followed by the riders according to their order after the qualification or after the Heat session (if it has already finished). The Guards Officer
checks whether all riders are ready and then signalizes to the Main Referee that the riders are ready by raising a green flag. Before the start of a particular session, riders in the Open and Stock category conduct a warmup start and ride one lap on a designated lap. Such lap is announced on the first briefing by Race Direction.
Cheap Valium For Sale Role of the helper Buy Prescription Tramadol Without Role pomocníka Helper je jméno osoby, kterou jezdec v kategorii Women, Juniors a Rookies nahlásí, aby jezdci pomohl s přemístěním prkna do startovacího zařízení, kde pomocník pomáhá jezdci, aby ve startovacím boxu udržel stabilitu během startovní procedury.
Pomocník stojí vždy za startovacím zařízením a je přísně zakázáno, aby se z této pozice přemisťoval směrem kupředu na úroveň nebo před startovací zařízení, aby svému jezdci poskytl jakoukoliv výhodu. Jediná Úloha pomocníka je pomoc se stabilitou. Jakékoliv další vlivy jako posunování, strkání, směrování, jsou přísně zakázány. Jezdec však může startovací proceduru podstoupit také bez pomocníka ,který v tomto případě vypomáhá pouze s přemístěním prkna do startovního boxu. Pozice jezdce ve startovacím zařízení během startovní procedury
Jezdec stojí na straně motorového surfu v závislosti na jízdní pozici. Jakmile se na semaforu rozsvítí první světlo, je jezdec povinen umístit zadní nohu do strapu motorového surfu a držet ji v této pozici až po první bóji, kde je povinen vstát a umístit nohy do obou vázání. Pokud jezdec poruší toto pravidlo, bude to klasifikováno jako jump start.