Saturday in Croatia – Kovar leads, Sacherova in charge as Anya Colley shows strong pace

Cheapest Tramadol Online Uk The Saturday programme of the UIM MotoSurf WorldCup in Zadar Croatia saw heats and the first idea about the final 12 has been delivered. In the Open Class, it was the young talent Stanislav Kovar who lead the way from the championship contenders – Nikolas Blaha and Lukas Zahorsky. 

click here In the women class, It has been a clear dominance of Aneta Sacherova so far. However, the second place is chased by Anya Colley  who shows a great speed on the Croatian sea. Her team mate Aneta Stloukalova completed the top 3. The class of equalled boards – Stock Class – saw the series leader Marek Skamla undefeated followed by Jakub Schejbal. Belgium rider Alain Coppens completed the top three and aims the top three target of the championship. 


follow site Matyas Novotny managed to control the Merlin Plus Rookies field from Alex Lukscheider. The Juniors field saw the Eliska Matouskova riding fastest from Linda Lukscheider. In the Electric Challenge, it was the qualifying time and the series runner up Michal Skocek topped the time sheets.

Cheapest Tramadol Cod The Finals are coming up after 12:00 on Sunday

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